Vendors and Tailgate Sales


Confirmed Vendors for 2021 Conference:

  • Blue Moon Press
  • Big Blu
  • Ken’s Custom Iron
  • Blacksmiths Depot

Vendors & Tailgate Sales Contact:

Al McClure:

Vendor Day

This year the conference will start on Thursday. This day has been set aside so that you can see the vendor demonstrations, buy and sell tools and supplies at your leisure. Registration starts for everyone on Thursday, May 13th, 2021 at 8 am so that the vendors & tailgaters will have time to set up. Vendor and tailgate sales will run during the conference. A special area is designated inside the compound.

Lift Donations

We will have a forklift on site Wednesday through Saturday to assist with loading and unloading. To defray costs of the forklift rental by the conference – vendors/tailgaters are asked to donate to help cover the cost of equipment rental. Use the donation can on the forklift.

Tailgate Sales

Bring your blacksmith related items, and tools for swap or sale and set up shop. There is no charge; however, sellers and staff must be registered with the conference and set up in the designated tailgate areas. Tailgate areas are available on a first-come basis. Items for sale should be blacksmith-related items, this is not an open flea market. A fork lift will be available for handling large items – see ‘Lift Donations’ section above. Please don’t take more space than you need – we always fill up on tailgate spaces before the end of conference.